Friday 19 September 2014



  1. BRAND: It is the name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies your products, goods or service as different from those of other products or companies in the market. "Brand" is all-encompassing when used in the marketing terms.
  2. BRAND MESSAGE: It provides the words or terms that help consumers and prospects understand why they should use the product and the company values, or what the company believes in.
  3. BRAND EQUITY: It is the commercial value that can be put on a brand. As we talked about earlier, this increases as a company gains more recognition. 

Surf Excel has capitalised on its early mover advantage and strong hold in the industry to build a valuable brand.

The name itself has such a high value that consumers generalise other detergent powders and call it as "SURF".

The colour of the packets are very attractive and captures attention of the consumers whether they have come to buy this product or not.

The tag line of the brand is so powerful that it has an emotional appeal with the consumers. "Daag Ache Hai"

The brand promises quality, worth and has a strong background of the company HUL.

The Logo is a big, coloured, blotted stain which says about the product.

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