Saturday 2 August 2014



1. Who will buy this product?

  • People with Basic Need of Fabric Cleanser.
  • The target group is home makers.
  • Consumers unhappy with other detergents may buy Surf Excel.

2.   What is the intention of buying a Detergent Powder?

  • No matter how clean are your surroundings you cannot avoid DIRT. 
  • Need a cleanser and also you cannot dissolve soap in your washing machines. 
  • It is safer as it does not come in direct contact of your hand for too long.

3.     From where does the consumer collect information?

                     Television ads, on shelves of the stores, hoardings and banners, word of mouth.

4.     Evaluation of Alternatives

There are many similar products available in the market like Ariel, Nirma, Chameli, Henko, Tide, and Vanish etc. but Surf Excel with its strong campaign and advertisement frequency has drilled its name inside the heads of the consumers that these days people go to shops and ask for SURF and not detergent powder

5.     Why should a consumer buy Surf Excel

                                          Attributes of Surf Excel, which makes it a hit.

·      Price
·      Branding
·      Cleansing action
·      Range of products

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