Sunday 20 July 2014



It is a value that the customer obtains after buying the product. It is the difference between the customer’s evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives. It creates loyal customer relationships.

Surf excel successfully delivers customer value through the following:

·      Product Benefit:
Surf excel detergent powder has wide variety of products for all income groups. It removes stains, consumes less water, and reduces time and physical work thus reducing the Time and energy cost and gives long lasting fragrance.

·      Affordability and Availability:
Given the wide variety of products it is feasible for all income groups. it is easily available in malls, grocery stores, round-the-corner shops. It has a greater reach in rural markets too.

·      Image Benefit:
Being the first ever- detergent market of India it enjoys the first-mover advantage. With it’s powerful ad campaign of “DIRT IS GOOD” it has got an emotional appeal among masses and has differentiated the product amongst competitors which still focus on the fact that dirt is bad.

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